Easter can be a challenging time for your slim transformation journey. The extra food at mealtimes, treats falling out of cupboards and, of course, the Easter eggs. The weight loss efforts can be difficult and it is tricky to stay motivated and remain on track.
Here are a few ideas to help you enjoy the Easter weekend and still keep you on track.
The sunny weather
This weekend is forecast to be sunny and warm, so why not use it to build in extra activities to help you be more active. Here are some ideas:
Take an Easter Sunday or Monday bike ride or walk with the whole family.
Make up an Easter egg treasure hunt for the family in your garden or in the local park.
Paint some hard-boiled eggs with the children, then go out and play bowls with them or roll them down a hill until they crack. (Boiled eggs are a healthy snack ready to enjoy when the game is over!)
If the children have a trampoline, then get bouncing - it can be fun for all the family!
Any activity that gets you moving will burn-off those extra calories and help you manage your slim transformation.
Good food choices
It's hard to ignore the lure of the chocolate egg at this time of year, but it's important to stay focused and avoid over-indulging in those sweet treats. Here are some ideas to help you:
Plan ahead - If you know you will be having a big lunch or a chocolate egg, then be extra careful during the rest of the week, have less snacks and do some extra exercise such as walking.
Go easy on the alcohol - It is packed full of calories and it may weaken your willpower when it comes to good food choices by increasing your appetite.
If you are the one cooking, then prepare a healthy meal so you can enjoy it too. For example, melon or smoked salmon makes a light and easy starter.
If your children get lots of eggs, try not to finish them off yourself. Instead, share them with friends and family. Who doesn't enjoying getting an extra chocolate egg as a gift!?
Lay off the Easter cakes and switch to a hot cross bun, just go easy on the butter.
Stick to a small portion at Easter lunch and enjoy it with lots of fresh vegetables.
Treat yourself to a smaller Easter egg, ideally a hollow one. You deserve a little treat too.
Chocolate fix
Having a little chocolate fix with fewer than 100 calories means you still get the taste and a treat and can help to avoid inducing in all those Easter eggs. Try these for some ideas:
A small hot chocolate with a chocolate finger.
A fun-size chocolate bar of any description.
A chocolate digestive biscuit with tea.
A light chocolate mousse.
A few strawberries dipped in a little melted chocolate (prepared in advance and set using the fridge).
2 Jaffa Cakes.
Have a wonderful and active Easter weekend.